Previously, we were the Coordinator of the e-nventory project that delivered the European eInfrastructures Observatory, a single-entry-point, one-stop-shop data warehouse for eInfrastructure benchmarks and portal for European eInfrastructures achievements in networking, supercomputing and grids.
The eObservatory through intuitive, interactive and user-friendly visualisation interfaces facilitated progress monitoring and impact assessment at regional and national level across EU and beyond. The enventory project carried out extensive consultation with eInfrastructures stakeholders and individuals experts through engagement with an active Advisory Board and key European eInfrastructure projects (e.g. EGI-Inspire, PRACE, GN3, etc), eInfrastructure policy bodies (e.g. TERENA, e-IRG), fellow projects and initiatives such as MERIL, eInfranet, EuroRis-Net, ERINA+, and other organisations as well as individual experts.
It extended prior benchmarking efforts by including an extensive set of eInfrastructures components (i.e. computing, communication and services), eventually deploying a web platform dealing with a critically-selected subset of indicators; We were also involved in the GN2/EARNEST foresight study on the subject of impact assessment and benchmarking of digital divide across European regions, through which the Research and Education Development Index was developed;